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Friday, March 31, 2006

Political Spin

As most of you know I do not appreciate political spin particularly when it assumes the American public is stupid.

Recently, even the news today, carried articles about the "Lobbying Scandal" in Washington. In my rant I ran across a fellow Blogger who had it, in my opinion, exactly right. Not wanting to write my thoughts when his are right on I'll give you a little excerpt here and then a link to his URL.

Please, Don't Say "Lobbying Reform"

Democrats and Republicans are falling over each other to introduce "lobbying reform" bills -- requiring lobbyists to disclose contacts with legislators, banning trips, etc. By the end of next week, we will have between two and four lobbying reform packages, and will enter a ridiculous debate about which bill would leave fewer loopholes.
Can I take this Sunday evening calm to plead with Democrats not to go down this road. Where’s George Lakoff when we need him??? Please don’t reinforce the frame that this is a "lobbying scandal" and the villain a "lobbyist" named Jack Abramoff. That’s the other side’s frame. This is not a lobbying scandal. It’s a betrayal-of-public-trust scandal. Lobbyists have no power, no influence, until a public servant gives them power. That’s what DeLay and the K Street Project was all about. What they did was to set up a system by which lobbyists who proved their loyalty in various ways, such as taking DeLay and Ney on golf trips to Scotland, could be transformed from supplicants to full partners in government.

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As I said. Drop by and read it.


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