The Merlin Foundation

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Location: Green Forest, Arkansas, United States

We are a non-profit organization located in Green Forest, Arkansas serving women, children and families. To view our programs or to contact us please go to our website

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Teen Pregnancy Project

As many of you know about four months ago the Foundation entered into a joint venture to produce a series of projects to serve the “Purpose and Mission of the Foundation". The history and purpose of Itty Bitty Productions had always been to help nonprofit organizations as well as the Foundation.

One of these projects has been to create an educational mini-documentary on Teen Pregnancy. After a great start one of the Mothers of an actor decided she wanted to withdraw all video and stills showing her son. We did have a signed release from the Mother before filming. While we could have gone ahead and publish the material we did withdraw everything. A setback but not a deal killer for us.

This was a portion of the lead into the mini-doc and not the documentary itself.  That said we are ready to begin filming this fall and would like more teen mothers and fathers with related family members to interview. Cost is a factor so we would like to film much of it in our Green Forest Studio and limit field shooting to Carroll, Boone or Madison Counties here in Arkansas.

Here is where you could really help. We would like to interview at least four females who are or were pregnant as teenagers and their male partners if available. No one presently over 20 now . If they are under 18 and do not have a court signed emancipation decree we would need a parent or legal guardian to sign releases.

Now if we had our dream it would be to have one who is no more than 5 months pregnant who we could follow with scheduled shoots until the baby is a few months old. Interviews with friends, school personnel and family members would make it special.

If you are interested in helping others with one of the biggest decisions in their lives, having  baby, you can contact us via our website us by clicking here.


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